Thank you for helping us with our branding and messaging efforts. This page is for collaborating partners that need access to official SBDC logos for approved promotional activities. These logos cannot be used without prior permission. If you require a different image format, please let us know: 205-348-1582.
Alabama SBDC Network: Statewide Logo
The statewide logo is the preferred logo for the Alabama SBDC; it is available in multiple versions:
- Alabama SBDC + UA Co-Branded logo pack. This ZIP file includes JPG and PNG files in two options (left-right and top-bottom); either format is acceptable based on the needed use. The PNG file should only be used on solid or light gradient backgrounds, and should not be used on multi-colored or photographic backgrounds.
- Color- with Band. Primary logo. It cannot be used on multi-colored or photographic backgrounds, and should not be stretched, compressed, tilted, or altered in any way.
- Reverse. Use the reverse logo when the background is not a solid, light color.
- Black/white. For use in black/white publications only.
- Accredited logo. If you need to use the “Accredited by America’s SBDC” seal, please contact Mike Brooks at 205-348-1582.
Alabama SBDC Network: Co-Branded Logos
The majority of our centers are located at four-year institutions, and it is important to recognize their contribution to Alabama’s small business community, and to the success of the Alabama SBDC Network. For local events, the preferred way to refer to the program is: Alabama SBDC at <host institution name>. For statewide or regional events, please use the Statewide logo (above), and refer to us the Alabama SBDC Network.
Some co-branded logos are available in tall format (top/bottom) or wide format (side-by-side). If you need a specific format or resolution, please let us know.
- AITC, ASU (tall, wide), AU, JaxState, Troy, UAH, South Alabama, UWA.
- Click to view the logo. Right click the link above (not the logo itself) and select Save As to download the logo.
- If you need two separate logos, please use the statewide logo (above), and contact the Center Director for their institution’s logo.