Making a big impact on small business.
We’re guided by a vision of growing Alabama’s economy by empowering and assisting Alabama’s robust small business community.
The Alabama Small Business Development Center network is a statewide, inter-institutional program to enhance economic growth in Alabama by providing management and technical assistance to small businesses. Professional Business Advisors are available in 10 Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) located at our member university partners across the state.
Covering All 67 Counties
Without the daily seminars, especially in the opening 10 days of the by-hour changes in the PPP and EIDL application process, we would not have been successful applying for the funds and I’m convinced we would have closed our doors.

I talked to my advisor an hour and a half the first time I called her. She was also a small business owner and knew what a state of mind I was in. She has ended up advising me on every step and has even kept me ahead of the game giving me information as quickly as she learns it.

Truly, without the assistance of the Alabama SBDC, I wouldn’t be in the position I’m in today. The SBA Loan I recently acquired will allow my company to continue to grow.