Our online registration form is the fastest way to access the no-cost confidential assistance that your business needs:
Note: This is not the registration form for a training event or webinar.
If you have specific questions on importing or exporting, please register with the Alabama International Trade Center.
A printable registration form is also available:
Scan & Email: asbdc@ua.edu
Mail to: Box 870396, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0396
All clients are required to complete a one-time registration form. Business advising sessions are free of charge, and all information provided to an Alabama SBDC business advisor is confidential. This form is needed before the counseling session begins. If you’ve downloaded the form, please scan and email your signed form. We will route your request to the center that serves your area. If you have questions regarding international trade or procurement (selling to the US government), please mark the appropriate boxes at the bottom of the form. Language assistance services are available for limited English proficient individuals.
SBDC program information may be made available in languages other than English. Accommodations for persons with disabilities and alternative means of communication should contact the SBDC at 1-877-825-7232. TTY service is available to hearing and speech impaired users by accessing the Alabama Telecommunications Relay Service https://alabamarelay.com/relay-service/text-telephone/
Dial 711 or 800-548-2546 for English or 800-548-8317 for Spanish